Joe Kriesberg

Joe Kriesberg

Joe Kriesberg is the President and CEO of MACDC. He has launched several innovative new programs at MACDC, including the Mel King Institute for Community Building and the GOALs Initiative.

Joe Kriesberg is the President and CEO of MACDC. He joined MACDC in 1993 as vice president and became president in 2002. He has launched several innovative new programs at MACDC, including the Mel King Institute for Community Building, the GOALs Initiative, the biennial MACDC conventions and the Community Development Innovation Forum. Joe has helped to enact several important laws in Massachusetts, including the groundbreaking Insurance Industry Community Investment Act (1998), the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (2000), the Small Business Technical Assistance Program (2006), a comprehensive anti-foreclosure law (2007) and the Community Investment Tax Credit (2012). Joe serves on the board of several state and national organizations and served as chair of the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations from 2014-2016. Joe periodically teaches at Northeastern University’s Center for Urban and Regional Policy. Mr. Kriesberg has a B.A. from Binghamton University and a J.D. Degree from Northeastern University.

Joe Kriesberg

Contributing Articles

Creating a Healthy Community Development Ecosystem

Structural racism is a pollutant that threatens the community development ecosystem. How can we confront and defeat this dangerous pollutant? This blog post is part of the series “Closing the Racial Gaps: Together We Can,” which highlights efforts across the United States that show promise for closing racial opportunity gaps and creating a more equitable future. “Too many Community Development Corporations have …

Contributing Resources

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